FORMER Wicked Whispers frontman, singer-songwriter MICHAEL ROBERT MURPHY explores two beginnings over a decade apart on a special collaboration with AV8 Records for ‘Metamorph -Redux,’ released today.

His journey since going solo has been an intriguing organic trip, walking us through the many dimensions of his songwriting. The debut EP, ‘Metamorph’ was released in 2020, the songs stripped to an honest and humble core.

“’Metamorph’ was an idea of me changing, not only by getting older but musically, and understanding it was okay to feel comfortable in my own skin as well as going from someone who has always been in bands to now going it alone,” he said. “My only regret was I didn’t release it on vinyl the first time on release.”

And it was felt a future vinyl edition of ‘Metamorph’ had to include something ‘extra,’ and it was a freak accident in 2013 that provided the solution.

“I got out of bed one morning and stood on my laptop and lost tons of demo’s and works that I thought I’d never hear again,” adds Murphy.

“But ten years later Toby Virgo (Wicked Whispers band member and friend) was going through some boxes and found the motherload of demos he’d collected from me years earlier, and he sent a bunch of tracks over to me. I was overwhelmed hearing these hugely imperfect, rough-cut demo’s back.

“In hindsight listening back to those rough cuts, some of the songs are actually crazy, well outside my usual comfort zone and me freely trying new things. Others are blatantly psychedelic and recorded with my tongue firmly in my cheek. ‘Perfumed Garden’ was the result of me taking the piss out of myself and vibing off The Beatles’ ‘Magical Mystery Tour’ one night.”

And a selection of these previously ‘lost’ songs now make the second side of today’s album release.

“I’ve selected six songs for now which I’m really enjoying listening back to. I hope anyone who listens to these enjoys them, and maybe can feel some of the magic from this era.”

Michael Robert Murphy’s debut album is scheduled for release in 2024.

michaelrobertmurphy – Listen on YouTube, Spotify – Linktree

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